Categories: Seminar

Martial Arts Day 2019

Great award for Baar martial artists in Germany

All the big names gathered in the sleepy village of Eschershausen in Germany this weekend. The MAA Martial Arts Day is the largest charity event in the sporting genre of martial arts in Germany. All proceeds from the day go to the ICH International Child Help charity. Martial artists want to help make the world a better place for children who don't have much in life. No effort is too great.

Stephan Krellmann from the Global Korean Martials School GKMAF Krellmann is also of this opinion. He participated with over 600 martial artists from all over Europe in this charity event. Even several martial artists from India were guests. Seminars were held for athletes of all ages, and there was an opportunity to refine techniques and get some glimpses of other martial arts. A new world record of 3.75m was set in the kicking distance jump! At the seminars also the masters can take new inputs to learn even more about martial arts and to let this flow into their own training.
Master Dragan Pavkovic (Free Dragon Fight Systems) from the GKMAF school in Biel led a children's seminar and showed that children can achieve a lot with concentration and will. He showed them this with a break test, the children were enthusiastic and took home many good tips.
Master Stephan Krellmann (Dae Ryeon Do Samurai and Jung Do Kung Fu) from the GKMAF School Baar, led the seminar Dae Ryeon Do Samurai. Here the participants could learn how to focus especially with the sword and then fight efficiently through smooth movements.
After the interesting seminars, the gala evening took place as a crowning finale. All nominated masters waited anxiously to see who would receive a coveted award in which category. Surprisingly, Switzerland was able to take home two titles. Dragan Pavkovic from the school GKMAF Biel received the Golden Dragon Staff and Stephan Krellmann from the school GKMAF Baar the Golden Belt. We congratulate both champions on their success.

Stephan Krellmann promoted to Grand Master

Eine besondere Ehre wurde Stephan Krellmann zu teil, denn der Verband Global Korean Martial Arts Federation und der Verband MAA Martials Arts Association bestätigten an diesem Wochenende seinen sechsten Dan. Diese Graduierung bedeutet, dass er nun einen Grossmeister Titel trägt. Dies nach 35 Jahre Kampfkunst und 12 Jahren beruflicher Tätigkeit als Kampfkunstlehrer. Der erste Dan ist der erste Schwarzgurt (Lehrer Grad). Nachher folgen bis zum dritten Dan alles Lehrer Grade. Mit dem vierten und fünften Dan erreicht man Meister Grade. Ab dem sechsten Dan sind es dann Grossmeister Grade bis zum achten und allerhöchsten Dan. Stephan Krellmann gibt seine langjährige Erfahrung gerne an alle Altersklassen weiter.

Stephan Krellmann: