Belt testing December 2019

Belt testing December 2019

Christmas is just around the corner and while many people are still shopping for the last presents, the Global Korean Martial Arts School in Baar it comes to the sporty final spurt. 31 students face the challenge of the final exam. 

In the Martial Arts the examinations stand for the qualification for a new belt. The belt levels range from the colors white for the first level, yellow, orange, green, blue, red, red-black and brown to the black belt, which is also called first dan. is called. Each belt level includes different self-defense techniques, kicks, weapon techniques and forms (technique sequences). (technique sequences). 

The students learned these over the course of the last year and in the last month they prepared very intensively for the exam. The children and teenagers also have many exams in school until the longed-for vacations. many exams. Isn't that too much pressure for the boys even in their free time? an exam? But in the martial arts training they learn in the training not not only to defend themselves, but also to concentrate and focus. 

The intensive preparation has paid off, because all have passed the exams. Now they expect in the new year new techniques and for some even a new weapon, which they can hardly wait. In the Global Korean Martial Arts School in Baar, students can learn Jung Do Kung Fu or Dae Ryeon Do Samurai. In Jung Do Kung Fu, they train self-defense and also how to use various weapons such as long stick, nunchaku and even thrusting and broadsword. In Dae Ryeon Do Samurai, they learn how to handle the samurai sword and train in hand-to-hand combat. In both martial arts sections, respect, patience and concentration are taught in addition to skill, speed and precision. 

Thus, in the training-intensive last month, the examinees became more aware of how to protect themselves and others. We congratulate the 31 students for passing their belt exams. 


Stephan Krellmann: